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Reserve now for 20% more free plant seeds

In order to diversify our stocklist, we are going to collect some of the following plant seeds first in Chinese and then in Latin Names (this list will be updated from time to time). Those buyers to reserve them now without paying a penny could get  20% more free bonus seeds for your later order . What you need to do is just send us your reservation by leaving your email and favorite seeds in the message box  and we will inform you of the availability time then.

桢楠Phoebe zhennan  ,黑壳楠Lindera megaphylla ,红豆杉Taxus mairei ,桂花Osmanthus fragrans ,罗汉松Podocarpus macrophyllus ,

青钱柳Cyclocarya paliurus ,珙桐 Davidia involucrata,枇杷Eriobotrya japonica ,杨梅Myrica rubra  ,法果冬青Viburnum odoratissimum ,冬樱花Cerasus serasoides ,樱桃Cerasus pseudocerasus,樱花Prunus serrulata,红豆种子160,红枫acer palmatum atropurpureum ,青枫Acer serrulatum,鸡爪槭种Acer palmatum,凤凰木Delonix regia,腊梅Chimonanthus praecox,

梭角山矾Symplocos tetragona,金合欢Acacia farnesiana,小叶竹柏Podocarpus nagi,朴树tis sinesis ,湿地松Pinus elliottii,三尖杉Cephalotaxus fortunei,三角枫Acer buergerianum , 香榧Torreya grandis ,花榈木Ormosia henryi Prain ,杜英Elaeocarpus sylvestris ,榉树Zelkova serrata

枸橘 Poncirus trifoliata , 五味子 Schisandra chinensls, 毛竹 Phyllostachys edulis(moso bamboo)

Tel: 0086-757-86075422 Mobile: 0086-13630062324 Fax:0086-75748988
Online Inquiry-Yahoo Messenger: cnnursery MSN: info@coldplant.com ,Email:cnnursery@yahoo.com / info@coldplant.com
Address:Huahui RD 8, Flower World, Foshan City, Canton Province, China, 528313